· Walkouts organised in schools, colleges and universities across the country on 9th December
· Youth Fight for Education conference to plan and build campaign on 5th December
Walkouts have been organised by school, college and university students for 9th December – ‘Day X’ – when the government will be voting on fees.
These walkouts will shut down the education system across Britain in a mass demonstration of opposition against tuition fees and education cuts.
In preparation for this, students and young people from around the country will be coming together at the launch conference of the campaign Youth Fight for Education (YFfE) to share their experiences of the campaign so far and draw plans together for ‘Day X’.
Students protest against proposed tuition fee rises and the abolition of the EMA, 24 November, photo Paul Mattsson (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)
The YFfE conference will take place on Sunday 5th December at 2:00pm in the Christopher Ingold Building, University College London, Gordon Street, London WC1H 0AJ.
Tracy Edwards, the National Young Members Organiser for the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) said: “Students have lit a spark in the anti cuts movement, bringing the brutality of the ConDem cuts and the attitude towards young people into sharper focus.
“PCS young members’ network is fully behind the students and will continue to link up and work with them to give young people the confidence to fight for a decent future.”
Clare Laker-Mansfield, Socialist Students national organiser said: “Most of the population supports the student protests.
“The Welsh Assembly and Scottish Parliament have already announced that Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) will be saved in their areas, and in Wales tuition fees will not go beyond £3,500.
“These are victories for the movement throughout Britain and shows that the pressure is having a real effect.
“The NUS should throw its full weight behind the demonstration on 9 December, organising ten, fifteen coaches from every area and as well as their own students, allowing all students from their area to come along, including school students.”
Ben Robinson, chair of the campaign Youth Fight for Jobs said: “These students, with a large proportion from working-class backgrounds are fighting for their future.
“The 24 November protests surpassed the hugely significant student walkouts against the Iraq war, and made it clear that this is a serious, determined movement with the potential to force back the government.
“The London region of the UCU have called for a demonstration, this should be backed by the whole of the UCU and by the Trade Union Congress as a whole.
“This fight of the students is a fight for us all.”
Visit the Youth Fight for Jobs and Education website. Read Day X – how to organise for a walkout when parliament discusses fees
To arrange interviews with students organising walkouts or to get press credentials for the Youth Fight for Education conference, contact Ben Robinson on 07837 803 652 or email [email protected]