Clive Walder, Socialist Party and Unite member
May Day is a day that workers celebrate the past gains of the labour movement and show solidarity with current struggles. With the ongoing strike wave, solidarity among the working class is needed more than ever.
The Tories and their ‘kept’ media have misrepresented the strikes and tried and failed to turn the public against them. But the overwhelming experience of most workers is of support for their strike action. Most people see that workers have been shafted by the government and are pleased to see someone is fighting back.
But public support doesn’t win disputes on its own. That requires an effective industrial action strategy. Socialist Party members have been on picket lines at all times of the day and in all weathers with the Socialist. We have been discussing why we need co-ordinated action by all workers with a live ballot, building towards a 24-hour general strike and making the case for for a new workers’ party.
To enable our ideas to be heard by a wider audience of workers we need the resources to do so. That’s why the Socialist is asking all union branches, anti-cuts, student and community groups to place a greeting in the May Day edition of The Socialist. Get a 20% discount if your greeting is sent before 31 March. Please see for details and rates.