Ryan Liddle, Surrey Socialist Party
Surrey Socialist Party held a public meeting, ‘Why capitalism can’t prevent the climate crisis’, on 6 August. 20 people came, 21 if you count ‘canine’ socialists.
I introduced the discussion, explaining that we already have the technology to prevent the situation getting worse. But the interests of the capitalist ruling class mean we aren’t using it.
“We don’t need to find solutions, as they have already been found. They just aren’t being implemented.”
After I spoke, there were lengthy discussions about nuclear energy and other topics too – private ownership by rich individuals of the wealth and resources in society, the competition between different capitalist nation states, and right-wing distortions about climate change trying to divide the working class. That’s why a working-class party like the Socialist Party anchors our campaigns within working-class communities.
One person asked what they could do as an individual. Another answered them: “The best thing you can do is join the Socialist Party”.
If you are serious about tackling climate change, we must tackle capitalism too.