Surrey Socialist Party campaigning in the Staines by-election
Surrey Socialist Party campaigning in the Staines by-election

Staines – people’s views are changing

On the Socialist Party stall campaigning for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) candidate in the Ashford Town by-election, a few people asked for our opinions on difficult questions.

One woman asked: “What will you do with all the immigrants?” But, we explained that “the people in boats you need to worry about aren’t immigrants in dinghies, but the capitalists in mega-yachts”.

Housing was the main issue we were campaigning about. But the conversations we had were indicative of a change in the mindset of working-class people.

Some people asked fundamental questions: “What is socialism?” Others asked more nuanced questions about how we would nationalise certain industries.

For me, the most important takeaway from the day was that many working-class people are aware that Labour aren’t the solution. When asking people why they voted Labour, they could give no reason other than: “They’re not the Tories”. They agreed with us that we need to build a new mass party that actually represents the interests of the working class.

We raised almost £70 for the Socialist Party’s campaigns. And 12 people bought a copy of the Socialist.

Ryan Lyddall, Surrey Socialist Party

Plymouth – working-class communities neglected

Socialist Party members held a series of simultaneous campaign stalls across the city. From our usual city centre spot, to new locations.

Mutley Plain is a popular student area, and Devonport, near the naval dockyard. We want to reach into areas severely neglected by local and national governments.

The effect that neglect has had on the people of Devonport was summed up by one man: “I don’t know why you are bothering out here”. The reaction soon warmed to us, however.

Hearing our slogan ‘kick out the Tories’, we met three new people interested in joining the Socialist Party. Similarly, on Mutley Plain, people who were unsure of who we were soon warmed to us when they came over to ask what we stand for.

In the city centre, we are a regular sight against the backdrop of the dead trees, destroyed by the previous Tory administration. It’s a constant reminder how little the Conservatives care about people’s opinions.

We regularly get a thumbs up and approval for our message of kicking out the Tories. But, increasingly, more people are beginning to appreciate that Labour are no better. And that what we need is a real alternative to stand up for workers’ rights.

This attitude was encapsulated by one man who donated generously to the Socialist Party fighting fund, and said: “Thank you for keeping up the fight”. Which we fully intend to do.

Alex Sampson, Plymouth Socialist Party

Worksop – save Wilko jobs

Hundreds of local jobs are threatened by Wilko closure. People coming to the Socialist Party stall were quite concerned over the news that Wilko’s – its HQ is based in Worksop – had gone into administration, with 400 stores and 12,500 jobs at risk.

Lots of people signed our Socialist Party ‘Save Wilko jobs’ petition. We raised £36 for the Socialist Party’s campaigns, 21 people bought a Socialist paper.

The article in the Socialist said Wilko’s finance books should be opened to trade union inspection. And that the company should be nationalised – under democratic workers’ control – to save jobs if necessary.

Paul Tooley-Okonkwo and Jon Dale, Mansfield Socialist Party

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