Want to fight the cuts? Join the socialists!
The relentless pursuit of profit brought about the banking crisis and recession. Our world is run on that basis – the short-sighted, chaotic capitalist system that exists only to enrich the fat cats.
We need an alternative. Taxing the rich, such as the bankers, and cancelling projects like Trident nuclear weapons would be a start. But more fundamental change is needed.
We need socialism! The banks and major industries would be publicly owned and democratically controlled.
It would mean democratic planning of the economy to meet the needs of all and to protect the environment.
The Socialist Party has a proud record of struggle and currently plays a leading role in the campaigns against cuts, putting forward both a strategy for the fightback and a socialist alternative.
If you agree with what you read in the Socialist and on this website – then you should join us!
Socialist Party public meetings – Where next for the anti-cuts movement?
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