Youth Fight for Jobs was launched at a national conference in November 2008 to fight back against the way young people are being made to pay the price for the bankers’ crisis. The campaign fights against all cuts and for free education and training leading to socially useful jobs with decent pay and conditions. Six national trade unions – Unite, PCS, UCU, Bectu, CWU, RMT – as well as many local branches and student unions support the campaign. As well as hundreds of local meetings, protests and demonstrations, the national events we have organised include:
2 April 2009: 600 march to G20
As its first national event, Youth Fight for Jobs organised a march of 600 young people as part of the protests around the pro-big business G20 summit. We marched through four of the poorest London boroughs to a rally outside the G20 meeting at the Excel Centre in east London.
28 November 2009: 1,000 march for real jobs and free education
Students and young people from around the country, including contingents from Day-Mer Youth, Cypriot Youth Platform and Tamil Solidarity, marched and delivered a petition of 10,000 signatures to 10 Downing Street.
13 March 2010: 500 march in Barking for jobs and services not racism
Marching past services and public buildings being closed we highlighted that it was the failure of any mainstream politicians to address the problems facing ordinary people in the area that allowed the far-right racist BNP to gain votes in Barking and Dagenham.
See for videos of all these events.