Chris Newby, Socialist Party fighting fund organiser
The funding crisis in Birmingham City Council, schools and hospitals falling apart, and workers having to take strike action to win pay rises so they can afford spiralling bills. This all shows how capitalism is failing the vast majority of people.
Each week in the pages of the Socialist, there are many reports of workers and communities fighting back. But the pages of the Socialist also provide an opportunity for Socialist Party members, and other activists, to put forward a strategy to fight back too.
Workers and youth
Whether it’s calling for mass action against anti-union attacks, which we were calling for at the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) on 10 September. Or supporting Socialist Students campaigning at freshers fairs with the demand to cancel student debt, and replace maintenance loans with free education and real grants that young people can actually live on.
To get our socialist programme out to as many people as possible, we need the resources to produce hundreds of thousands of leaflets, and thousands of posters and placards.
There are less than three weeks to go before this fighting fund quarter closes. So we are asking all our readers and supporters to do all you can to make sure that we smash through our £25,000 target.
Out campaigning
Could you make a donation? Or could you help out on one of our many Socialist Party campaign stalls held every week across England and Wales?
Could you raise funds by selling items on Vinted or Ebay? One of our members in Enfield and Lea Valley branch raised £50 like this. Or could you do what our members in Tower Hamlets are doing, and organise a car boot sale?
If all our readers and supporters do what they can, we are sure that we can smash through this quarter’s target.
- Fund the fightback – donate today
- Visit or call 020 8988 8777 or make cheques payable to Socialist Party, PO Box 1398, Enfield EN1 9GT