On the picket line at the Freebridge Community Housing headquarters on Austin Street, Kings Lynn, Unite rep Adrian Ramage spoke to the Socialist.
“We are campaigning for a 2% increase on our wages. The company have refused to negotiate with us. We originally put in a request for 7% and the company told us they wouldn’t give us 7%. They gave us 5% and a £500 non-consolidated payment, and basically shut the door in our face. And that’s why we’re here today. We’re campaigning for the extra 2% on our wages as we feel our employees need it, and due to the high earnings for the chief executives of our company.
“We’ve got support from Fenland organisations, lots of organisations across Norfolk and also from London. Unite came down to the picket the other week from London. We get support from other unions that are involved in industrial action at the moment. We all support each other, which is brilliant.
“After this week, we will be having the mass meeting in a couple of weeks’ time to talk to the members about what other action we can take. We are looking towards another week, or maybe a two-week strike. Or a Christmas strike.”
On 29 September, strikers marched through the town.