A Newcastle Socialist Party member
Back in March, a group of English Defence League (EDL) thugs surrounded and intimidated Socialist Party members in Newcastle who were selling the Socialist and gathering signatures against the Con-Dems’ ‘austerity’ package.
Other left groups came to stand beside our comrades, who refused to leave despite being outnumbered by these racists.
So, on 16 April around 30 people which included Socialist Party members, trade unionists, anti-cuts campaigners and members of other left groups gathered at Newcastle’s Monument to show that, despite the threat of violence from the EDL, we will never be intimidated by them.
Many leaflets were given out and papers sold to Tyneside people who were appalled that groups defending the interests of the working class and fighting back against the Con-Dems would be subject to such threats.
Despite previous EDL threats that they would turn up again, they were nowhere to be seen.
It seems the brave, strong men of the EDL only show up when they can surround women five to one!
Socialists take heart from the fact that, in a time of increasing class action to fight the Tory cuts, the EDL will be increasingly sidelined. The people we speak to on the street want a group who fight for their jobs, welfare and rights, not hooligans wanting to divide the movement with racist misinformation.
The Socialist Party plans to be seen at the Monument every Saturday campaigning against the Con-Dem government and no number of EDL thugs will change that.