Clare Wilkins, secretary, East Midlands National Pensioners’ Convention (personal capacity)
The National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC) biennial delegate conference took place on 26-27 March. There were around 100 delegates from trade unions, NPC regions, NPC Wales, and pensioner organisations and campaigns.
Since 2022, NPC has campaigned hard to keep the pension triple lock, opposed voter ID, and campaigns with Age UK, Independent Age and Ageing Better for a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing with statutory powers (as Northern Ireland and Wales already have). It also campaigns alongside Fuel Poverty Alliance and Fuel Poverty Action Group on energy issues.
A motion was carried to campaign for the unfreezing of tax thresholds. They are currently frozen till 2028 so every pension increase is taken away in tax. You currently only need to have £1,600 income and the state pension to pay tax. The Resolution Foundation says that the Triple Lock is already almost wiped out by tax.
Motions were also carried on the National Better Buses Campaign, the regeneration of bus and train services, NHS training, against the proposal to monitor state pension and benefit recipient’s bank accounts in the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill, and to set up a climate working party.
A motion calling for rights for volunteers was adopted, with the proviso that volunteers must not be used to replace paid jobs.
35 attended a fringe meeting held by the women’s working party, discussing how to get more women involved in the NPC.
The NPC punches above its weight in campaigning and media coverage. In order to continue and grow, it needs more trade union organisations and individuals to support it and for more younger pensioners to get active.
A vibrant NPC campaigning for pensioners and future pensioners is needed more than ever.