Save Aire Street Workshops
Artists and small business owners, operating out of Aire Street Workshops, were shocked to find out that Leeds City Council, which owns the building, had placed it onto its disposal list. They have to vacate by February 2025.
Over 30 businesses employ 150 people. All these jobs are now under threat.
The Labour council tries to justify closure, by saying it can’t afford to bring the building up to the energy standards needed by 2030.
In reality, the council has decided it can raise more money by selling to developers. It shows the sham of the council spending vast sums on promoting a ‘city of culture’.
After more than a decade of the Labour council implementing Tory austerity, they are now retreating from providing anything beyond the statutory minimum.
At a protest by Save Aire Street Workshops, I brought solidarity from the Save Little Owls nurseries campaign. We need a council that fights for the resources and facilities our city needs to help local people thrive, whether that’s young children, artists, or anyone else. That’s why we stood candidates as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition in the local elections in Leeds, as a step towards a new mass workers’ party that can be a voice to campaigners like those fighting to save Aire Street Workshops.
Save Little Owls Nurseries
In the run-up to the Labour manifesto launch, proposals for creating 100,000 extra nursery places leaked. Why then is Labour-led Leeds City Council pressing on with plans to close three nurseries and to privatise twelve more at its 19 June executive board meeting?
Labour’s proposal rests on converting ‘spare’ primary school classrooms, but here are three custom-built childcare facilities that just need keeping open.
Save Little Owls campaigners are demanding that the council delays taking any decision until after the general election, when the council can press the new Starmer-led government for funding.
Around 30 parents, children and supporters held their sixth demonstration from Burley Park Little Owls on 15 June.
After two and a half months of campaigning, parents are frustrated with a council that has ignored over 200 responses to an e-consultation from parents opposing the proposals. As Jon, a parent from the Bramley nursery, pointed out, the three nurseries would have been closed last month if parents hadn’t campaigned.
Socialist Party member Louie Fulton is standing as the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition candidate for the Leeds Central and Headingley constituency. At the protest, Louie pointed out we need political representatives who don’t just try to manage cuts, but ones who will fight all cuts. “If you’re disappointed with Labour, then here you’ve got a candidate who has been fighting alongside you.”
Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party