Myles Hatcher, Devon Socialist Party
Plymouth’s LGBTQ+ Pride parade had been fractured in the lead-up to the event. Some people broke away from planning the march after hearing of the involvement of companies Babcock and BT.
Babcock, a UK-based multinational corporation, has made applications for export licences for military equipment to Israel, making them a questionable and inappropriate sponsor of Pride. Trans Pride and others stated: “No Pride in genocide”.
BT has announced that 55,000 of their 130,000 employees will be laid off over the next six years, as part of a move into ‘AI automation’. This will affect people in Plymouth.
Plymouth Socialist Party organised to show genuine solidarity, unlike the corporate sponsors. We had two campaign stalls.
Our leaflets said: “Part of fighting for LGBTQ+ rights is the fight for workers to organise and fight in all our interests, including building a new mass workers’ party. To liberate humanity from the misery of capitalist crisis, including LGBTQ+ oppression, means fighting for a socialist programme, a democratic socialist plan of production based on the interests of all.”
Our placards in Plymouth displayed anti-Babcock and anti-BT messaging. The atmosphere was ecstatic as crowds marched.
Corporate sponsors
The nature of these sponsors is to increase the corporation’s ‘investment score’. It’s never a selfless act.
All rights won have been through struggle, a workers’ fight. This is why we stand strong against these corporate parasites that leech on working-class grassroots movements.
Socialist Party members have been taking part in Pride across the country, explaining the need to struggle against LGBTQ+phobia, and all discrimination, including after the Tories are kicked out.
See the Socialist Party’s LGBTQ+ charter at