RMT member
An excellent fringe meeting hosted by transport union RMT’s London Underground Engineering, and Piccadilly and District branches was held on day four of the union’s Annual General Meeting in Hull. The question of how to fight for the RMT’s objectives under an expected Starmer-led Labour government was discussed.
Mike Whale gave a brief report of the activities of Hull Trades Council, which brought solidarity to RMT picket lines throughout the national dispute, as well as driving racist and far-right thugs from the city centre.
Clive Heemskerk of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) explained the history of the organisation as well as highlighting the important role of RMT and its predecessors in setting up the Labour Party at the turn of the last century. He also explained the role of our late general secretary Bob Crow in recognising the need for a new working-class political vehicle, first with No2EU – Yes to Democracy in the 2009 European elections, and then Bob’s initiative in setting up TUSC alongside the Socialist Party and others, in 2010.
The fundamental problem of the current lack of working-class political representation was raised again and again, and the point was made that, even with a handful of genuine socialist MPs who were prepared to support workers in struggle, Starmer’s Labour could be pushed back.
One delegate raised that there was no political ‘Plan B’ from those, such as our general secretary Mick Lynch, who called for a Labour vote. The Enough is Enough campaign, launched in 2022 as an alternative by Mick Lynch just weeks after he called for the withdrawal of RMT reps from the TUSC steering committee if it continued to stand in elections, has disappeared after the initial mass support it achieved – a wasted opportunity to change the political landscape.
RMT is in a crucial position to aid the formation of a new working-class party in Britain. The battles that lie ahead under the Labour government will show the need for a political alternative if we are to build the socialist society that is demanded in our union’s rulebook.
Red Line public Zoom meeting: Trade unions and Starmer’s government
The ‘Red Line’ is a bulletin produced by members and supporters of the Socialist Party in the RMT. All welcome at the public meeting to discuss the battles ahead and how to build a new workers’ party.
5pm Sunday 7 July. Zoom ID: 840 4292 3187