Socialist change to end climate change - photo Paul Mattsson
Socialist change to end climate change - photo Paul Mattsson

Earth ebbing away due to corporate greed

Anthony Williams, Plymouth Socialist Party

The earth is 4.5 billon years old. Humans began to emerge 300,000 years ago. We have been around for mere minutes in relation to the life span of the Earth. Yet in humanity’s short time on the planet, there has been the destabilisation of ecosystems due to deforestation and overexploitation.

Why has the above happened? It has happened due to the greed of the capitalist system. A system that actively encourages wanton greed, production of goods with a short lifespan, and people to blame each other or minorities for the environmental crisis.

The crisis cannot be fixed by making tweaks to the capitalist system. We need a socialist system to ensure that the best decisions for the environment are made without the influence of greed, and in a truly democratic way.

By working together democratically to remove issues such as inequality, poverty, and imperialism, we can give workers worldwide the space to push for solutions to the crisis. I want to be part of the Socialist Party to achieve this.