Rhys (left) campaigning in Reading. Photo: Reading SP
Rhys (left) campaigning in Reading. Photo: Reading SP

Rhys Sones, Reading Socialist Party

At my first Reading Socialist Party meeting after I joined, people asked why I decided to. It’s easy to think of a dozen reasons off the top of my head.

I like socialism as a framework for society, and agree with the Socialist Party that fighting for a mass workers’ party is a key demand. But I think a big part of me deciding to join comes down to the way the Socialist Party treats its members.

As a young person, I am increasingly isolated from the current political leaders, as well as a government which exists less as a voice for the people, and more as a voice for those with economic power.

The Socialist Party is where I feel I can be represented, alongside my fellow workers, to create changes that benefit everyone, not just the 1%.

Instead of just having the weight of responsibility placed on my shoulders by people with an idealised version of the ways that young people can ‘save the future’, I’m able to go out and help create that change myself.

So, why did I join the Socialist Party? Because, after years of struggling under a government that only pretends to care about people like me, I want to start doing things to make society better. And there are very few political groups that are willing to take the steps to do that.

Join us today!