Clive Walder, Birmingham South Socialist Party
Birmingham City Council youth workers lobbied a committee meeting on 23 October, which considered massive cuts to what remains of their service. If the cuts go through, the youth service will barely exist – this in Britain’s youngest city.
Speakers pointed out that these cuts are a false economy. The lack of constructive things for young people to do causes mental health issues, which are much more expensive to deal with.
£8,000 a week
A youth worker preventing children with behavioural problems being taken into care saves as much as £8,000 a week. The lack of a youth service leads some youth into a life of crime.
The Socialist Party support the workers’ campaign against the cuts. The youth service shouldn’t be saved by cuts in other services. The money exists to adequately fund all local services.
The Labour council has failed to demand sufficient funds from the now-Labour government, to provide effective services.
One Labour councillor has organised meetings to coordinate opposition to these cuts. The Socialist Party supports this, and will participate in any campaign. If Labour refuses to fund services, those opposed should break with Labour, and form an anti-cuts group of councillors.