Build the socialist opposition – why you should join

Why you should join the Socialist Party

Berkay Kartav, Socialist Party National Committee

After 14 years of Tory austerity, what has Starmer’s Labour offered to the working class, the overwhelming majority in society? More cuts, higher tuition fees, more Tory policies.

Our universities are on the verge of bankruptcy and students are expected to pay for it.

While the super-rich are getting richer and raking in huge profits, our councils cannot even provide the basic necessities.

Our schools are literally crumbling and yet it is teachers and parents that are expected to pick up the slack.

The profit-driven capitalist system offers no future for the working-class majority and young people today. It is a system in decay.

This is most graphically illustrated by the war on Gaza and Lebanon. Cities are being turned into rubble while capitalist governments seek to defend their own interests at the expense of the lives of ordinary people.

If capitalism cannot provide even the most basic necessities – decent jobs with decent pay, affordable and secure housing, fully funded health services, free education and more – then we need to build a united mass working-class movement to take wealth and power out of the hands of the super-rich.

And if you agree we need to fight for socialist change, then join the Socialist Party.

Wherever we organise, the Socialist Party fights for every possible gain for working-class people, in defence of living standards, and for a socialist alternative to crisis-ridden capitalism, in Britain and internationally.

We call for the big banks, major industries and monopolies to be nationalised under democratic workers’ control and management, so they can be run to meet the needs of the working-class majority, not the billionaires.

If you agree and want to find out more about how we can build the forces of socialism, then come to Socialism 2024 in London on 9 and 10 November, and come along to one of the ‘Why you should join the Socialist Party’ sessions during the weekend.