Dorset Socialist Party out campaigning. Photo: SW Socialist Party
Dorset Socialist Party out campaigning. Photo: SW Socialist Party

Sophie Allen, Dorset Socialist Party

Raised in a council estate, but going to school in a middle-class area, I have seen classism firsthand. Growing up alongside other people, who were systematically given better opportunities, because their family had more money, was something that never sat right with me.

For example, I had no phone to take pictures of work, I had the old style of uniform, didn’t have a school locker, and didn’t have the right equipment to complete some of my work.

People would regularly say to me: “Why can’t you just buy this?”. Finding out that we didn’t have the money, they would ask: “Why? Don’t your parents work?”

Within school, I saw anger against people who needed benefits to survive, calling them “lazy”, which annoyed me. My mother worked full-time, and still struggled to keep a roof over our heads.

The lack of sympathy towards my mum’s situation angered me. I would attempt to educate my peers. Some did respond positively, as they weren’t aware of situations where someone needs help.

Our family’s case was rather extreme, with the unexpected death of my father. But there are other unexpected events that can affect someone’s ability to survive without extra help.

I have had a lot of privileges within my life, the NHS being the greatest privilege living in this country can offer, in my opinion. However, I never understood why this couldn’t be universal. I always saw healthcare the same as water, a basic right.

Capitalism thrives on hate. To be profitable, it seems you must step on others. I refuse to accept this. Sexism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, hate towards religions, foreigners and different ethnicities, all of it seems pointless to me.

I cannot wrap my head around how others will fall for this scheme of trying to turn ourselves against each other. The gap between working and middle class is a very blurred line, compared to the ruling class. The fact some people cannot physically comprehend the amount of money certain individuals have speaks volumes.

Previously, I had fallen victim of the mindset that nothing will change, there is no point in fighting. Capitalism caused me to quit pursuing education, to move out at 18, and get stuck into the cycle of working to survive. Socialism has given me newfound hope.

Capitalism plays a major role in a lot of misplaced anger. A lot of people who blame immigrants for ‘taking jobs’, are also struggling, but placing their anger in the wrong direction.

This can be applied to many scenarios, and is why the Socialist Party’s existence is so important. It’s the people on top you should be directing that anger towards.