Amy Sage, Bristol North Socialist Party
Socialist Party members met for a fantastic meeting of women and non-binary members. We opened with a discussion on the question – ‘How far can right-wing populism go?’.
Taking place less than a week after the inauguration of Donald Trump, this was understandably one of the main features of the discussion. We pointed out the real driving force behind Trump’s re-election – growing anger with the traditional establishment politicians, and their inability to solve the economic crisis of capitalism.
Many people have a very real fear following Trump’s re-election. But that event does not reflect a general rise in misogynistic and sexist ideas globally. For example, on the same day as Trump’s win, eight US states voted to enshrine abortion rights in law, including five states that voted for Trump.
Questions around what we can do now to fight back against reactionary ideas, and attacks on women’s rights, showed the enthusiasm for putting our party’s socialist ideas into practice.
The second session of the day allowed for a more in-depth discussion on the historical roots of women’s oppression. Understanding the class origins of women’s oppression is vital, so that we understand that the fight against it is not separate from the fight against capitalism.
Role of working class
The role of the working class, especially trade unions, in fighting for women’s rights was one of the main things we discussed. Socialist Party members reported on campaigns within their own workplaces against issues such as harassment, and support for women going through the menopause.
The meeting ended with plans for International Women’s Day on 8 March, and reflecting on our participation into the series of anti-Trump women’s marches on 18 January.
Enthusiasm for our socialist ideas, and understanding what’s happening across the world really shone through during the meeting. The number of newer, younger Socialist Party members in attendance reflected people coming forward with confidence and an optimism for a better future.
Attendees will now be going back to our Socialist Party branches and regions with reports from this excellent meeting. But also armed with a clear understanding of how we approach the opportunities for us to fight back ahead of us, and how we can end the oppression of women, and the working class, for good.