Demo last year in Southampton City Centre by striking Unite and Unison workers, including refuse, toll bridge and port health authority workers, amongst others, photo Andrew Howe (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)
Demo last year in Southampton City Centre by striking Unite and Unison workers, including refuse, toll bridge and port health authority workers, amongst others, photo Andrew Howe (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)
Southampton Socialist Party members have been holding stalls in support of the campaign to save Oaklands swimming pool.
Our petition has gained hundreds of signatures. £118 was raised for our fighting fund in just one week.
People say that the government keeps telling us to keep fit and can spend up to £24 billion on the Olympic games, but why can’t they keep our pool open? They see the wealthy 1% avoiding and evading tax and stashing their money away in offshore accounts and tax havens.
They know that the cost of keeping the pool open is a drop in the ocean. Many are aware that the Socialist Party backed Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition candidates in the May council elections who were opposed to all cuts, but many of them voted Labour to oust the Tories. They now feel totally let down by the vast majority of the Labour councillors who have voted for deep cuts. Instead of cutting services, the council should set a ‘needs’ budget.
Friday 10 August, 7pm
Lordshill Church, Lordshill District Centre, Southampton
Phone 02380 679876 for more information