Discussion forum Sunday 26 November 10am-12 noon
How to build a trade union in your workplace
Speakers: Tracy Edwards (PCS Young Members national convenor); Sean Figg (Usdaw); Steve North (Unison); Tony Mulhearn (PCS); Roger Bannister (Unison)
The speakers in this session are a combination of a new young generation of fighting union activists and some longstanding militants with years of experience of building and campaigning in the workplace. For trade unionists and young workers in particular this will be a vital session at Socialism 2006.
Other trade union sessions at Socialism 2006 include:
- Manufacturing jobs – doomed to disappear or could the trade unions lead a fightback?
- Speakers: Rob Williams (TGWU convenor, Visteon Swansea car plant), Bill Mullins (Socialist Party national industrial organiser)
- Public services not private profit – how can the privatisation tide be turned and what role can the trade unions play?
Closing rally Sunday 26 November 3-4.30pm
Who can offer young people a future?
Speakers include: Sarah Sachs-Eldridge (International Socialist Resistance), Matt Dobson (Socialist Students), Owen Jones (Labour Representation Committee), Mark Clarke (Conservative Future national chair), Benjamin Biggs (Liberal Democrat Youth and Students).
Come and discuss the fightback
SOCIALISM 2006 is a weekend of discussion and debate hosted by the Socialist Party taking place on 25 and 26 November 2006. If you are involved in a campaign against cuts and privatisation, if you have been on strike to defend your pay and conditions, or if you are just interested in discussing how we can change this profit-hungry world, come along to Socialism 2006.
NHS, education, housing, pensions – how can we defend public services?
Find out about the struggles of workers and the oppressed – Venezuela, Bolivia, France, Chile, Greece and more…
Is society still divided into classes, can socialism be achieved in a globalised world, could a socialist planned economy save the planet?
Saturday 3pm-5pm. Sunday 10am-4.30pm, 25 and 26 November.
Seminars and debates will be held at ULU, Malet St, London WC1.
Rally for Socialism, will be at Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1.
Ticket prices
Weekend – £20 waged
£10 unwaged/low paid
Rally/one day only £10 waged
£5 unwaged/low paid
Make cheques payable to Socialism and send to PO Box 24697, London E11 1YD
020 8988 8767 [email protected]