Oppose Kazakhstan regime’s latest campaign clampdown

CWI reporters

On 22 May police, in a dawn raid, entered houses and hostels in Astana where housing justice protesters from across Kazakhstan were being accommodated. More than 80 members of the ‘Leave the People’s Homes Alone’ campaign were arrested.

Many have now been released but five leaders, including Esenbek Ukteshbayev and his partner Baxut Sulemenova, were summarily tried for organising an ‘unsanctioned demonstration’.

Esenbek was sentenced to ten days imprisonment. Baxut was released with a $130 fine. Another campaigner has been sentenced for seven days. Independent journalist Berig Zhakiparov was also arrested and detained by the police.

The campaigners had refused to be fobbed off with new promises from MPs of the ruling party Nur Otan.

They have demanded a revision of some of their housing debts, extra time to pay and also orders to stop any eviction of families from their homes.

Socialist Party Ireland MEP Paul Murphy has sent a letter of protest to the Kazakhstan Ambassador in Belgium.

Please send protests to UK ambassador Mr Kairat Abusseitov at: [email protected],

and also send copies to: [email protected]

A video at www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQQn43PVBpc shows what happened when a delegation went in to ‘discuss’ with representatives of the ruling party of dictatorial president Nursultan Nazarbayev