Ken Douglas, Socialist Party treasurer
With a magnificent final effort, raising just under £12,000 in the final two weeks of the campaign, members of the Socialist Party reached 97% of the national fighting fund target for the April to June quarter. £24,169 was raised, in addition to over £10,000 that has been raised so far for the election appeal.
Members in the North West held all-day campaign stalls in cities around the region – raising £123 in Salford alone and £120 in Chester, which they claimed could be an all-time record, at least since the Roman invasion!
Imaginative ideas
Branches came up with many imaginative ways to raise money: South Tyne and Wear sold Bob Crow commemorative t-shirts, North Kent raised £28 with a World Cup sweepstake and £42 at a car boot sale, Swansea branch raised £106, also at a car boot sale.
In the middle of two weeks of sunshine, Waltham Forest branch managed to pick the only rainy day for a barbecue but still raised £170 amid a festival-style atmosphere, including an outside dance-floor!
Branches will now be planning their campaigns for the July to September summer quarter knowing that the money they raise is vital to building the public profile of the Socialist Party.
This finance pays for the materials – the leaflets, posters, placards, banners, etc – that will help us to try and get our message across to the hundreds and thousands of workers on strike on 10 July.
We need a one-day general strike against the cuts – this would be a step towards building an alternative to austerity based on the 99% who are paying for it rather than the 1% who are benefiting from it and piling up unimaginable wealth at our expense.
Only a socialist future can guarantee freedom from the misery of capitalism and our ideas are vital to helping to build and make it a reality.
We have no rich backers, we rely entirely on the support of ordinary working class people.
Can you help by making a donation to the fighting fund at or by taking out a regular direct debit or by raising some money yourself with a loose-change jar, raffle or some other method? We can guarantee that it will all be used to help in the struggle for socialism.