Despite the enormous demands on teachers at this time of the year both teachers and support staff at South Grove Primary made sure that they joined in the Whipps Cross protest against health cuts.
Unable to make it to the hospital gate demonstration many gave up their lunchtime to come out of school with their NUT banner and placards.
We stopped the traffic to give out leaflets to motorists on Markhouse Road.
We asked passers-by to sign the petition. We wanted to make it clear that the NHS belongs to us all, and if there is any danger of local services being run down then school staff would be kicking up a rumpus alongside hospital staff and other campaigners.
Linda Taaffe the NUT Rep said “Private profiteers have got a lot to answer for. First they rip off hospitals. Just look at Whipps. Now they are moving on to education. We need to join forces to save public services.”
As we walked back to class we saw the kids against the railings in the playground all jumping up and down chanting “Save Whipps Cross” so enthusiastically – probably because it was the place where they were born!