Obituary: Heulwen Davies 1960-2014
Heulwen Davies passed away suddenly on 30 October after suffering a stroke and then a heart attack while out walking, one of her favourite pastimes. Heulwen joined Militant in Swansea in the early 1980s and became one of the hardest working, most respected comrades in the area particularly in Morriston where she became secretary of the local branch.
For many years, she was active in the PCS and its predecessor union the CPSA at the big Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) office. She was the most conscientious of union reps, and some of her members would insist on presenting her with a gift each year. She always refused such gifts, but would accept donations to the Militant and later the Socialist Party.
For much of her time at DVLA, the union branch was controlled by right wingers but she persistently fought for her trade union and socialist principles. She took the time and effort to talk to the members she represented and took up their concerns both with management and union branch officers.
She was less active politically and in the union in recent years, but she remained the most loyal of comrades and friends. Heulwen cared about her friends and took their concerns seriously, sometimes to the detriment of her own needs. I cannot believe that she is gone. Rest in peace, Heulwen, our comrade and friend.