Young campaigners brand Osborne’s budget a war on youth and have planned an ‘occupy style’ protest. On Saturday 11 July at 2pm, protesters from Youth Fight for Jobs will erect tents in Parliament Square in protest at attacks on housing benefit and other austerity measures hitting young people.
Ian Pattison, a spokesperson for Youth Fight for Jobs said:
“Osborne’s budget represents a declaration of war on young people. The abolition of student maintenance grants, removal of housing benefit for 18-21 year olds and exclusion of under-25s from the so-called ‘living wage’ all add up to a bleak picture for our generation. This grim outlook of increasing hardship stands in stark contrast with Osborne’s treatment of the rich. The cut to corporation tax will offer a boost to the profits of the multinational companies who make millions of pounds through super-exploitation of young workers.
“On budget day, thousands of young and working class people took part in protests around the country. Now, as the full extent of the Tories’ onslaught on youth has become clear, we are calling for people to again gather in Parliament Square to ‘occupy against austerity’. We’ll be erecting tents to highlight the devastating effects of housing benefit cuts on vulnerable young people. The Tories’ attempts to snatch our future must be resisted.”