Anne Ullah Khan
Anne Ullah Khan, a very dear friend and comrade, has died. Her health had been steadily declining for a number of years, and Anne spent long periods in hospital and, finally, a nursing home.
I first met Anne years ago. After the discussion she agreed to join the party with much laughter saying: “At last, now watch out!” From then on there was no holding her back.
Unable to attend regular public activities because of her disability she made up for that by always having copies of the Socialist with her and buttonholing anyone she thought might benefit from reading it. That included anyone that might come to her home.
Until quite recently she regularly attended the Socialist Party branch, making valuable contributions every week.
In hospital, a couple of years ago, Anne was visited by two consultants. She asked them what they thought about the government’s attitude to the NHS. They said they didn’t like it but what could they do? Anne produced a copy of the Socialist and said: “Read that. It’s contains all you need to know”, and sold them a copy!
Stories like this are very inspiring and this was Anne’s greatest contribution – her ability to set a fine example in all she did. She will be missed by her many friends inside and outside the party. Go well Anne.