Ian Slattery, Bradford Socialist Party
Currently on display at the Bradford Playhouse is a series of paintings by artist and Socialist Party member Peter Robson. The watercolours cover a number of issues relating to war, from collateral damage to those ignored by the history books.
In advance of his publication of a new series of paintings about the World War One, Peter spoke to the Socialist about the role art can play in political movements.
“Artists have a right – a duty – to put up a mirror and reflect what’s going on in the world. What is the purpose of art if it doesn’t prod and agitate people?
“That’s what I’m passionate about my art doing. It isn’t always easy to look at, but hopefully it angers people and motivates them.
“Life can be hard for prospective artists, with confrontational work often ignored by galleries who want safer pieces that will be a more reliable attraction. But you have to be honest and unafraid – and to those looking for protest art then don’t give up searching, there are plenty of us out there!”