Artists and culture workers have backed calls for no-cuts council budgets, and cross-union campaigns against poverty pay and under-representation of oppressed groups.
The third annual ‘Show Culture Some Love’ conference took place in London on 25 March. It brought together activists from across entertainment and culture unions.
A report on a library occupation in Bristol ended by demanding Labour councils stop making Tory cuts, and use reserves and borrowing instead. Library campaigner Alan Gibbons, speaking from the platform, then supported this demand.
Performers’ union Equity, the Musicians’ Union and the Writers’ Guild discussed coordinating their campaigns against “vulture culture” bosses’ low-paid and unpaid work. Trade unionists also discussed culture sector demands for the Brexit process, and fighting library and museum closures.
Other workshops proposed demands aimed at increasing representation of women, black and minority ethnic people, disabled people and LGBT+ people in the arts.