Protesting against the EDL in Huddersfield, 5.9.18, photo by Huddersfield Socialist Party (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)
Protesters joined a call to action by Huddersfield Socialist Party to oppose a demonstration by the far-right English Defence League (EDL) on 5 September at the town’s magistrates’ court, where 31 predominantly Asian Muslim defendants faced charges of sexual crimes against young women and girls.
Sexual crime is a vile stain on our society and we stand in solidarity with all victims everywhere. It’s clear that sexual abuse can occur wherever conditions allow for it – in schools, churches, football clubs, the entertainment industry and so on.
But instead of offering any genuine solutions to this complex issue, the EDL offers only racist scapegoating of one section of the community.
The importance of our counter-protest was shown by the abusive shouting of the dozen or so EDL members present, and their ostentatious videoing of everyone and everything – particularly of any Asian people who happened to be passing by.
Although unpleasant, no serious incidents occurred. Our presence, slightly outnumbering the support of the EDL, meant that they were not given free rein with the national media covering these trials.
We welcome the support we received on the day from the working class people of Huddersfield, as well as Labour supporters, Greens and anarchists, who supported this action alongside members of the Socialist Party.
We need a serious labour and trade union movement mobilisation against the far right. Huddersfield Socialist Party intends to continue to play its part in building a mass movement to challenge racism wherever it manifests.