Charlotte Vale, Lincoln Socialist Students
At their last meeting as members of the University of Lincoln Student Union’s Board of Trustees, the elected executive committee members put a motion through removing the student union from the National Union of Students (NUS), effective from 31 December.
While Lincoln Socialist Students oppose the recent rotten NUS reforms – stripping the union of its internal democracy – we believe that the student movement can achieve more united nationally, rather than atomised across different campuses.
National fightback
Many students who want to fight against fees, austerity, and the Tories will have genuine questions about whether the NUS is fit for purpose to lead a national fightback against the government offensive. Regardless of whether the rotten reforms render the NUS a dead organisation, students desperately need a fighting national organisation that fights for students’ rights.
We ask our student union to recollect its previous attempts to leave the NUS and demand a referendum on this issue. They said and call an emergency general student meeting to discuss the task of building the democratic and fighting national students’ union we need, as well as a review of our student union’s internal democracy.