Parents at Ilford County High School gathered outside the school gates on 22 July. National Education Union (NEU) members at the school have already taken three days of strike action against cuts and workload.
The parents wanted to sit down and meet with the headteacher, but she refused. The parents are furious that cuts have taken place and that they were denied a meeting with the head.
Next, parents will take their protest to the director of education, back to school management, to the local councillors, and to Redbridge’s Labour ‘cuts’ council.
The school, which has a deficit, should force the council to allow a moratorium on repayments.
Southampton council agreed to extend the budget of a local primary school, Valentine, when the head refused to pass on cuts – backed 100% by the Socialist Party.
If the cuts don’t stop, the teachers could be striking again when term restarts in September.
The NEU and parents can also take inspiration from nearby Newham. In 2018, strikes stopped Avenue primary and other schools becoming privatised academies.
They were led by Avenue teacher Louise Cuffaro, Socialist Party member and NEU branch secretary.