- Urgent: 16 April deadline nearly here
James Ivens, the Socialist May Day greetings organiser
We need you to support the Socialist by sending May Day greetings. There is no other consistent, independent voice for workers and for socialism during the pandemic.
From day one, the Socialist warned that cuts and privatisation had left the NHS and public services unready. Our frontline reports from workers across sectors have given the hard truth behind the government’s propaganda promises (see p4-5).
In the face of the capitalists’ shortages and criminal missteps, we’ve proposed ways for the working class to fight to overcome them. In fact, nowhere has produced demands as clear and thorough as our workers’ charter.
Meanwhile, some trade union leaders are trying to ‘park’ the defence of their members’ interests or suspend operations just when they’re most needed. And the right has recaptured the leadership of Labour.
But workers are still fighting, because they have to. The Socialist carries the latest on walkouts, workplace struggle, and the campaign for combative unions.
Even most ‘left’ media outlets have fallen in line behind the bosses and Tories. The Socialist carries on the fight.
But to maintain that independent voice for the truth and working-class interests, we need finance. It goes without saying that the big advertisers won’t touch us, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Our funding comes from the workers’ movement. May Day greetings are a vital part of that.
Can your trade union branch, community campaign, workplace colleagues, trade union council or student society send us a donation and short message of solidarity? We publish these each year on International Workers’ Day to help fund the socialist press.
Dozens of groups in the workers’ movement have already pledged May Day money. Unite Community NW/11500 Lancashire branch has even donated £100 to the Socialist, on top of buying a quarter-page greeting for May Day.
Branch secretary and treasurer Jim Leigh said: “We hope this will go a little way in helping the Socialist newspaper navigate through this crisis.” Could your union branch do the same?
Even just a one-off payment for a May Day greeting is valuable and wanted. We will accept any amount of money from any genuine group of workers.
The official deadline for pledges is Thursday 16 April – payment can come later. Please do your best to make a pledge by the deadline. However, if you need more time to agree a donation, please get in touch and we’ll discuss an exception.
No matter how violent the winds that rise to batter the movement back, workers have no choice but to press on. The Socialist will too. We are your paper. Keep us going: send May Day greetings.
- For prices, sizes and to book your greeting, visit socialistparty.org.uk/mayday
- For help or resources including sign-up sheets and model motions, email [email protected]