Excellent support for Socialist Party special finance appeal
Chris Newby, the Socialist sales organiser
We have had a fantastic response to our special appeal to help finance the publication of the Socialist and promote the ideas of the Socialist Party in this corona crisis.
Three weeks into the current fighting fund campaign and we have raised a tremendous £14,393 – 58% of the target. Over £12,400 of this is for the special appeal.
Donations small and large have been flooding into our offices. Ranging from the £2 from new member Jonas Dos Santos Junior in South East London who writes, “Thanks for allowing me to be part of the Socialist Party”, the £5 donated by new member and college student Sofia Pantsjoha in Waltham Forest, to the £500 from Heather Rawling in Leicester.
No matter the size of the donation, these are all crucial to making sure we can continue to get our socialist message out to as many people as possible.
Dave and Judy Griffiths from Coventry both donated £50. £100 was also donated by the Coventry Communication Workers Union youth committee.
The following quote from Becky Shah in Liverpool, a new Socialist Party member, shows the level of sacrifice that our members and supporters are prepared to make. Donating £10 Becky says:
“Sorry it’s such a small amount. Wish it was more. Am on a limited income, survive on benefits.”
Here are some other quotes from members and supporters who have donated to this appeal:
“Keep up the good work guys. We need a voice to question decisions that are being made”, Mr J G Jones Port Talbot donated £20
Miss S K Sethi donating £3: “Long live the NHS!”
Tony Pill Lancashire donating £10: “Wish it could be more.”
It is clear that our online meetings are also having a good effect in helping to raise money for the appeal. M Oldziejewska from Chingford who donated £10 writes: “Thank you for organising a brilliant meeting tonight!”
Another supporter donated £30 after attending our meeting in North London.
While the vast majority of the fighting fund has come in from donations to our special appeal, our members are also looking at every opportunity to help raise fighting fund.
Alex Brown in Sheffield raised £30.06 selling t-shirts. Leeds members raised £190 selling badges, and in London our members raised £90 from an online bric-a-brac sale.
This is a fantastic start, but it’s vital that we all continue our efforts to smash through the fighting fund target. Make sure you get in your donation and ask people that you know to donate.