The PCS union represents workers doing all sorts of jobs for the government. Socialists in that trade union, including members of the Socialist Party, are organised in the PCS ‘Broad Left Network’. At the 4 June meeting of the union’s elected leadership, the national executive committee, Broad Left Network supporters Dave Semple and Fiona Brittle brought up the mass protests triggered by the murder of George Floyd.
We raised a motion urging the union to state support for “the demonstrations that are being called across the UK, with suitable social distancing and other protective measures, including in Cardiff at the weekend, Belfast on Monday, and Glasgow and London on Wednesday, to show visible solidarity with those protesting in the USA. PCS encourages members to take part in further protests in a safe way…”
Unfortunately, some other members of the national executive committee argued against this support, claiming the demonstrations are unsafe. Reluctantly, we agreed to ‘remit’ the motion for further discussion by the union’s senior officers, who argued we must consider how such activity can be supported in the era of social distancing. Better this than risk the motion being voted down.
Fighting racism means fighting capitalism, and it’s the organised working class which has the power to do both. This means it is urgent for the trade unions, including PCS, to give full support. Yes, we need to keep safe – but on the streets is where we show that black lives matter!