Adam Harmsworth, Coventry Socialist Party
The latest lockdown has had an impact on raising sales and subscriptions to the Socialist across the country. Back in late December one of our weekly campaign stalls in Coventry sold ten papers, we definitely felt the pinch when lockdown returned.
Our branch hasn’t taken any dramatic steps to react, but we did carry on the work we were doing as best we could. Several of us have paper rounds delivering the Socialist by hand to supporters, often stopping for a chat. We share the paper and encourage subscriptions on social media, and aim to build key articles into our programme of political discussions in branch meetings.
We have been continuing paper deliveries throughout the pandemic, adopting safer methods as required – like not going in for a coffee! Those deliveries and conversations about articles in the paper have raised subscribers’ interest in political events and the working-class struggle that the capitalist press refuses to report.
That work has led to a new member, who has already written for the Socialist. We can now say with pleasure she is no longer our newest member, because the paper brought another supporter into our ranks.
A long-term supporter has continued selling the paper at his workplace. There he had a regular buyer, who went on to contact us about meetings, and within weeks had joined with a subscription to the Socialist.
And now two more supporters who were buying the paper on the doorstep have also agreed to take up subscriptions.
So we have seen that consistent work selling, delivering and discussing the Socialist has great results. Getting more subscriptions is vital for recruitment to the Socialist Party and education of our members.