Tory MPs have claimed £3 million in housing rent payments at the same time as voting to effectively cut housing benefit for low-income households in the private rental sector.
According to the Observer, at least 42 Tory MPs claim their own rent on expenses while at the same time renting out other residential properties for at least £10,000 a year in income. The government has not increased housing benefit from 1 April, effectively a cut.
The newspaper also reckons that in October 2020 alone, 54 Tory MPs claimed at least £2,000 each in housing rent on expenses. This exceeds the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) levels payable to most tenants in high rental London.
Secretary of State Thérèse Coffey, whose department runs the LHA system, claimed £1,885 a month. But she lags behind Helen Whately, minister for social care, who last year claimed £3,250 in housing rent each month despite pocketing a £113,612 salary.