A big thanks to all our members and supporters who made sure that we smashed through our fighting fund target and raised £29,959. Much of the money raised has been from our campaign stalls, and a lot of this has been from campaigning on the NHS.
The results of the fundraising – our Socialist Party placards and posters – were clearly visible on many of the NHS protests on 3 July. Our leaflets went down really well, giving a clear strategy on how to fight for a 15% pay rise for all health and care workers. But all of this costs money to produce.
There is a lot of anger about the way NHS workers are being treated, particularly the derisory pay offer. There are likely to be more protests over the next few months, both on NHS pay and the latest Tory attack, the health and care bill.
It is vital that we have the finances to produce more Socialist Party leaflets, placards and posters, to get our socialist message out to as many people as possible. We urge all Socialist Party members to draw up plans now on how you are going to reach your fighting fund target.
Are there extra activities your branch can plan? How can you involve as many as possible in raising funds for the Socialist Party? If every area does this, we can have the same success reaching and breaking through our fighting fund target this quarter.