Ferdy Lyons, East London Socialist Party
The relaunch of Youth Fight for Jobs officially got under way, with the national steering committee meeting on 14 July. Delegates attended, in a personal capacity, from eight trade unions. Sarah Woolley general secretary of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU) also attended.
We discussed what the key demands of Youth Fight for Jobs should be: a decent job for all, end zero-hour contracts, £12 an hour minimum wage as a step to £15, mass programme of council house building, rent control, and trade union rights and recognition in all workplaces.
The committee agreed to hold a national day of action to make these demands on 9 October when furlough is due to end. Protests will be held up and down the country, so join us then and help our fightback.
- youthfightforjobs.com
- See ‘Jobs and homes for all’
Youth and students