Remembering Tony Davison’s contribution to socialist and union movement

The meeting
Phil Culshaw, Hull Socialist Party
40 people came together on 4 December in Hull to remember Tony Davison and his incredible contribution to the socialist and trade union movement. They were Socialist Party members, trade unionists and members of Tony’s family. Tony, a Socialist Party member for 40 years, sadly died in October.
Young Socialist Party member Lucy Nuttall spoke of Tony’s kindness when she first moved to Hull, making her feel welcome. Tony was proud when his granddaughter, Kirstie, organised climate change school strikes and participated in Black Lives Matter demonstrations.
Socialist Party member Trevor Grewar met Tony on the Easington gas terminal construction site. Political discussions in the locker cabin led to Tony joining Militant (now the Socialist Party) in 1983. At the height of the miners’ strike the following year, over 60 workers on the site every week would buy a copy of Militant (now the Socialist) from Tony and Trevor. Tony and Trevor raised thousands of pounds in support of the miners’ struggle.
Les Dobbs, GMB union regional organiser, said Tony received a standing ovation at the last GMB conference he attended speaking against austerity. Alistair Tice, Yorkshire Socialist Party secretary, spoke of Tony’s commitment and contribution over the years, including building an anti-poll-tax union in Beverley, a predominantly Tory market town.
The financial appeal raised £1,586.65. The memorial meeting was brought to an end with musician Joe Solo leading everyone singing No Pasarán and the Internationale. Rest in power comrade.
- Read Tony Davison’s obituary at – “I work for Militant, but Laing’s pay my wages”