Judy Beishon, Socialist Party website editor
A new Socialist Party website will be replacing the present one on Tuesday 1 March. The existing website has played an important role for two decades in getting out the Socialist Party ideas – but now it’s time for this change, to make use of more up-to-date coding and presentation.
The weekly online version of the Socialist will continue to be a central feature of the site, with a number of key articles from the paper accessible from the home page. The entire paper – and back issues – will be available on the ‘paper issue’ pages.
The address of the new site – socialistparty.org.uk – will remain the same. There may be some downtime during the changeover, at most for just a few hours. Viewers should try refreshing or clearing their browser cache if they have difficulties viewing the new site.
The launch version is not fixed in its design and scope, and there will be ongoing development work done on it. Donations to the Socialist Party fighting fund will of course be possible via the new site, and please welcome it by making one – socialistparty.org.uk/donate.
Socialist Party members paying in fighting fund and money from sales of the Socialist will be able to do so using the ‘Members resources’ section at the bottom of the new homepage, which can also be accessed via the ‘Contact’ tab at the top of the homepage.