Our Programme: Socialist Women – Who We Are

Our Programme:

Socialist Women – Who We Are

Socialist Women holds national, regional and local meetings to discuss issues of concern to women.

Fighting for Women – Rights and Socialism

What we stand for:

At work
  • For the unions to take immediate action to implement their current minimum wage demands, as a step towards a legal minimum of £8 an hour.
  • For a minimum income of £320 a week.
  • No exemptions. For an annual increase in the minimum wage, linked to average earnings.
  • Equal pay for work of equal value.
  • Full-time rights for part-time workers. Employment protection from day one of employment.
  • Paid maternity leave for at least twelve months on full pay, with the right to return to work part time if required.
  • Paid parental / carers’ leave.
  • Scrap the anti-union laws.
  • A minimum income linked to the minimum wage for carers, students, pensioners and all those unable to work.
  • Restoration and uprating of lone parent benefits.
  • No to compulsion in Welfare to Work. For the right of women to choose whether to work or stay at home with children.
  • Maternity and child benefits to reflect real costs.
  • Scrap tuition fees. Reinstate the grant. Free education for all.
  • For a fair and flexible maintenance system that benefits lone parents and meets all children’s needs.
  • A network of good quality, publicly funded childcare, including pre-school, after school and holiday schemes, accessible to all parents who want them.
  • Stop privatisation. For a massive increase in spending on housing, education, health and other public services.
  • The right of women to choose when and whether to have children.
  • An increase in refuge provision, 24hr help lines and other facilities for women experiencing domestic violence.

International Struggles

Socialist Party is part of an international organisation, the Committee for a Workers International (CWI). In Sweden our sister organisation had been campaigning against sexual harassment in schools. In India we have campaigned against the Miss World contest, against the dowry system and to organise women textile workers.

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