ON 26 April, for the third time within a few weeks, Nazis demonstrated in Stolberg, near Aachen. They disguised it as a funeral march for a 19 year old who was killed during an argument. They hope to make a martyr of him for their far-right cause.
However, a loud, strong counter-demonstration prevented this. 1,500 people from around Stolberg and also from Belgium and the Netherlands came to bar the Nazis’ way.
An alliance of different anti-fascist left organisations called for the counter-demonstration. The main participants were ‘Solid’ (the youth organisation of the new left party in Germany ‘DIE LINKE’) and SAV (CWI Germany).
Thousands of leaflets were distributed, posters were put up and street stalls were organised in preparation.
The mayor of Stolberg called for a rally the day before the demonstration, claiming the city could give the Nazis “the cold shoulder” when they marched. But in contrast our main demand and intention was to stop the Nazis. Our demonstration was well organised and made a broad appeal.
Lucy Redler spoke for the SAV Berlin. She underlined the role of big business that cuts jobs, despite grants and record profits. Thus, she said, we have to fight back together, whatever nationality you belong to. Against the racist slogans of the Nazis, we have to put the international idea of socialism.
See www.socialistworld.net for a fuller version.