OVER one million workers could be on strike next month. New
Labour have decided to cut their pension rights because they are ‘living
too long’.
Bill Mullins
Tens of thousands of refuse workers, street cleaners and many other
blue collar council workers will join town hall white collar staff,
benefit office workers and other civil servants across Britain to oppose
this latest threat to the living standards of the working class.
They could also be joined by firefighters and college lectures if
they are balloted in the next few weeks.
This could be the first of a number of strikes in the public sector
that could take place if Blair does not withdraw the attack on pensions.
Hundreds of thousands of teachers in schools across England and Wales
are also being asked in a consultative ballot if they want to take
action after the Easter holidays.
New Labour, after eight years in power, have got used to getting
their own way.
Like school-yard bullies they have picked on the most vulnerable and
weakest members of society – such as those on incapacity benefit (see
page three).
Blair wants to run the general election by fuelling prejudice against
what the right-wing press call ‘cheating asylum seekers’ and ‘scrounging
illegal immigrants’ (see page five).
But "bully boy Blair" is about to meet his match – the
organised workers in trade unions.
He faces the wrath of millions of public sector workers saying
"enough is enough."
An election victory for Blair will not be a mandate to attack the
public sector. Instead it could open up a new period for politics and
society – with the power of the united working class, through their
unions, putting their stamp on events in Britain.
They are the only ones standing in the way of the capitalist
offensive against public services and the welfare state, including the
pensions of public sector workers.
We say:
- Join the 18 February TUC day of action.
- All out on 23 March.
- Prepare for more action after Easter.
- Force New Labour to reverse the attacks
on pensions.
The Great Pensions Robbery
The Socialist Party’s new pamphlet
£2 each, plus 10% postage and packing
available from:
Socialist Party, PO Box 24697, London, E11 1YD
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