MEMBERS OF International Socialist Resistance (ISR) have been protesting in many areas outside Burger King.
This fast food giant is owned by the same company – Texas Pacific – as Gate Gourmet who sacked hundreds of workers after giving them three minutes to decide over an appalling downgrade in their contract, even sacking workers that were on maternity leave, holiday, or ill.
ISR members report.
“TEXAS PACIFIC hear us say – unfair dismissals – no way!” This ISR chant was heard around Piccadilly Circus on 24 August. The bosses’ vicious attack on workers’ rights was done to save millions of pounds to pad out the top bosses’ back pockets.
Sophie Ramsey
ISR made a right racket, getting many passers-by interested in what we had to say.
We talked to people about the importance of British Airways workers coming out on strike in solidarity with the Gate Gourmet workers, showing that without the workers the companies can’t run let alone make profit!
Solidarity and action means companies can’t get away with job cuts, unfair dismissals and forcing bad pay and working conditions on people.
ISR collected names of interested people. They were happy to hear the truth behind the dispute, and we intend to carry on our struggle and let people know that they don’t have to take it lying down.