THE FIRST round of the Brazilian elections was an upset for the current president and candidate for re-election – Luis Inácio Lula da Silva – of the Workers’ Party (PT).
André Ferrari, Socialismo Revolucionário (CWI, Brazil)
Lula and the PT, and almost the entire media, were assuming a
definite victory for Lula on the first ballot. But the 48.61% of the
vote achieved by the coalition headed by the PT was not sufficient. Lula
will now face a run-off on 29 October with Geraldo Alckmin, ex-governor
of São Paulo state and candidate for PSDB (Party of the Brazilian Social
Democracy), who got 41.64%.
One important factor on the electoral scene was the 6.85% vote (more
than 6.5 million votes) for senator Heloísa Helena of PSOL (Party for
Socialism and Liberty) – a new left party founded in 2004 that
participated in the election as part of a Left Front which also included
PSTU (United Socialist Workers Party) and PCB (Brazilian Communist
In the two last weeks of the campaign, support for Lula was affected
by a new scandal involving leaders of the PT. The federal police
arrested members of PT who were trying to pay a criminal gang the
equivalent of 1.7 million reals ($800,000 dollars) for an alleged
dossier that connected the PSDB, and the previous government of Fernando
Henrique Cardoso, to corruption schemes. The dossier was going to be
used to weaken PSDB’s presidential candidate, Geraldo Alckmin, and the
candidate for governor in São Paulo state, José Serra, who was health
minister during Cardoso’s government.
But it backfired. Alckmin is in the second round and Serra won the
election in São Paulo, gaining 58% of the vote, compared to 32% for PT’s
candidate, Alo’so Mercadante.
The broadcasting of piles of money found with PT members, the fact
that the source of the money is still not clear, and also Lula’s
non-attendance at the TV debates, ended Lula’s chances of a first round
The "dossiergate" has already led to the resignation of PT’s national
chair, Ricardo Berzoini, the main organiser of Lula’s campaign, and
Hamilton Lacerda, one of the main organisers of PT’s campaign in São
Paulo state.
They add to a series of high-ranking leaders of the PT and ministers
that have resigned because of corruption scandals, in particular the
"monthly allowance" scandal – a huge bribing scheme using public money
to buy off MPs.
A neo-liberal government
The Lula government went through a profound political crisis during
2005 due to these corruption scandals. At the height of the crisis, the
government only managed to survive because the right-wing opposition
feared the situation would get out of hand, with themselves being
affected and provoking an even deeper crisis for the whole political
The Lula government’s budget cuts to pay the public debt to the
bankers and the neo-liberal reforms implemented were clearly in the
interests of the ruling class.
At the end of this year, when Lula is completing his fourth year in
government, he will have handed more than $300 billion in interest
payments on the public debt to bankers and speculators. To show their
satisfaction, they became the biggest financial backers of his election
campaign, paying more money to PT than even to PSDB.
Lula’s government adopted a conscious policy of creating an electoral
base, built upon government handouts, such as the "family allowance".
Spending $2.5 billion a year, giving an average $30 a month to roughly 8
million families (more than 30 million people), Lula managed to secure
an electoral base among the poorest and least organised in Brazil,
especially on the north-eastern region of the country.
The government also tried to build an image of social concern over
access to universities, a widespread demand and one of Lula’s main
planks in the election. However, Lula manipulated a genuine social
demand to promote a neo-liberal, privatisiation policy. The government’s
‘university reform’ is based on using public funds to finance private
However, the fundamental reason for why many workers again voted for
Lula is the lack of an political alternative. If there is a discontent
with Lula’s government, the years of Cardoso and the PSDB are still
fresh in people’s memory. The left alternative presented by PSOL and the
Left Front played an important role in exposing the false polarisation
between the PT and PSDB, but was not seen as viable electoral
alternative by a majority of workers.
Class struggles
LULA’S VOTE this time was completely different in the 2002 elections.
Then there was an enormous hope and enthusiastic support for social
change under the PT. Many voted this time ‘holding their noses’,
justifying their votes in the name of the ‘lesser evil’. There will be
no ‘blank cheque’ for the PT and the government during a possible second
If re-elected, Lula will try to quickly implement his neo-liberal
reforms. In addition, the government will have to implement austerity
measures, with more cutbacks, to maintain the primary budget surplus in
order to continue paying the debt schedule.
The scenario will be the same if Alckmin wins the election. In that
case, bigger clashes between the next government and the trade unions
and social movements, will be inevitable. The chances of an
intensification of the struggles, including workers in the public and
private sector, apart from the landless workers and the youth in schools
and universities, are much bigger.
PT and the left
IN GOVERNMENT, Lula and the PT’s left-wing past was used very
skilfully to confuse the workers, dividing them, and in that way
containing a radicalisation of the struggle and resistance. The
government co-opted the most combative trade union centre, the CUT, to
the point of appointing its chair as Minister of Labour and defender of
labour reform. The same happened to the UNE (National Union of
Students). Even the more combative and radicalised movements, such as
the MST (Movement of the Landless Rural Workers), ended up neutralised
before the government.
Labour struggles – civil servants, workers in the private sector (eg
at Volkswagen in the industrial ABC region in São Paulo, and the current
bank workers’ strike) – took place but tended to remain isolated.
Generally, they didn’t reach any real victories and couldn’t count on
the old workers’ organisations to unify the struggles.
This puts the issue of building new organisations for the struggle as
a concrete theme for an important layer of workers. There are plans to
hold a National Gathering of Workers next year, called by organisations
like Conlutas (National Coordination of Struggles) and the Intersindical
to draw up a common plan for action to resist the coming attacks.
PSOL after the election
OF SEVEN MPs, PSOL managed to re-elect only three: Ivan Valente (São
Paulo), Chico Alencar (Rio de Janeiro) and Luciana Genro (Rio Grande do
Sul). The current MP Babá, one of the founders of the party, who
transferred his candidature from Pará in the north to Rio de Janeiro,
didn’t get re-elected. The same happened to MP Maninha (Distrito
Federal), João Alfredo (Ceará) and Orlando Fantazzini (São Paulo).
PSOL got two state MPs in São Paulo (Carlos Giannazi and Raul
Marcelo) and one in Rio de Janeiro (Marcelo Freixo), but lost four MPs
in the states of Santa Catarina, Espírito Santo, Pará and Amapá. The
other parties of the Left Front (PSTU and PCB) didn’t get anyone
The second presidential ballot will also be a test for PSOL. Heloísa
Helena declared that the party will support neither Lula nor Alckmin and
that no member of the party can give public support to any of the two.
In spite of that, the party is not adopting a clear position of a "null"
vote, leaving it free for its supporters to vote as they like.
Socialismo Revolucionário supports a "null" vote against Lula and
Alckmin and the necessity to organise a struggle to resist the attacks
that will come with the next government.
The future of PSOL will depend upon linking up with the social
struggles that will develop in the country in the coming period.
Socialismo Revolucionário, Brazilian section of CWI, acting as a
tendency in PSOL, defends a socialist programme and a concept of a party
that is democratic, militant, internationalist, based on local
structures and linked to workers’ struggles.
Heloísa Helena’s campaign
HELOêSA HELENA’S candidature was a big step in the direction of
rebuilding a political left-wing.
The Left Front put forward a manifesto that was quite advanced,
calling for a break with imperialism and finance capital, suspension of
the payment of the internal and foreign public debt, the building of
really democratic institutions that would represent a new power under
the direct control of the workers and the people, and defending the
social rights of workers, women, black people, etc, against
However, when Heloísa Helena reached 12% in the opinion polls and
Alckmin stagnated temporarily, the idea that Heloísa could overtake
Alckmin and reach the second ballot against Lula created enormous
pressure to moderate her political profile.
The fundamental emphasis of the campaign became Heloísa’s qualities –
like courage, integrity and honesty. The programmatic alternative became
more and more moderate.
A show of strength by the mass movement, together with the defence of
a left programme could have won the support of an important segment of
the pauperised middle classes, as well as the working class. Even if an
electoral victory was very unlikely, this would have laid the ground for
the construction of a new workers’ movement.