Defend Young Workers’ Rights

IN THE past 20 months, nine apprentices, all aged under
23, have died on vocational courses backed by the government.

Clare James (ISR)

The number of deaths, confirmed by the Health and Safety
Executive, show just some of the horrific, unsafe working conditions many
young people are forced into.

Many training schemes don’t provide proper training, don’t
offer a job at the end of the course – young people on the courses are used as
cheap labour. These conditions result in a waste of young people’s lives.

International Socialist Resistance (ISR) calls on the
trade unions to launch mass campaigns to recruit young people into the unions
to fight for a living wage, proper training and to force the implementation of
decent health and safety in the workplace.

We say:

  • End all exemptions from the minimum wage.
  • End lower wage rates of pay for young people, including modern apprenticeships and other training schemes.
  • Increase the minimum wage to £6 an hour immediately as a first step towards a real living wage of £8 an hour for all.
  • Free quality education, decent training and a living wage for all.

International Socialist Resistance

INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST Resistance (ISR) local groups are keeping up the campaign against low pay and for decent working conditions for young people.

Tesco have stopped sick pay for the first three days of leave for many staff. Other bosses enthusiastically applauded this outrageous attack.

Many workers are wondering – who’s next?

In Liverpool, ISR members are launching a campaign for the scrapping of this scheme.

We say – sick pay is a right! Defend sick pay rights! A living wage and decent conditions for all workers!

More info in future issues of the socialist. If you would like to know more please get in touch. (see below)

ISR members in Leicester are organising a protest outside an employer that pays its staff less than the minimum wage rate. This is disgusting because even if all the workers were getting the minimum wage, that wouldn’t be enough to live on as the levels are too low.

We want to let as many people as possible know that this company are paying so little and to try to warn off other bosses who think they can get away with paying peanuts!

If you have a report from your local area and/or would like to get involved in helping to build the Low pay – No way! campaign please ring 020 8558 7947 or email [email protected]

Write to PO BOX 858, London, E11 1YG