Unite And Fight

Defend jobs and services: Unite And Fight

Support the 5 November civil service strike

Prospect and PCS members on the picket lineCIVIL
SERVANTS across all government departments have voted to take part in a
one-day strike on Friday 5 November.

Bernie Lyons, PCS union Bristol

Prospect and PCS members on the picket line. Photo Molly Cooper

65% voted to stand together and say ‘yes’ to take action against cuts
in jobs and services. This represents a huge achievement for a membership
that is spread widely across thousands of different offices and locations.

The strike action marks a new phase of the campaign to defend jobs and
public services, following Chancellor Gordon Brown’s TV announcement that
104,000 workers will lose their jobs. The government is also attacking the
pension rights of its workers and fair pay for those who are sick.

Cuts are already taking place, beginning with the planned closure of 42
Department for Work and Pensions offices across England and Wales.

These closures will affect those in society who are sick, elderly and
unemployed, as well as those who are low paid. This makes a mockery of the
government’s claims that cuts are being implemented in order to
"improve front line services".

The action will be the first strike involving the entire civil service
since 1993. Many of the workers involved have never taken part in a strike
or a picket line before, but are keen to be active on the day itself.

The success of the ballot is already building confidence and unity in
civil service workplaces and workers are determined to make their voices
heard. One worker in Bristol said: "Before the action was planned I
had booked some leave for that day, but now I will be cancelling it in
order to support the strike".

UNISON members back strike

“RIGHT NOW PCS workers are leading the fight against public spending cuts. What they are facing will shortly be faced by the rest of the public sector.

The government is picking on civil servants just like they tried to pick on the firefighters.

Other trade unionists have not only got to give maximum support on 5 November. We have also got to press for coordinated action by other unions with the PCS on issues like attacks on our pension schemes.”

Jean Thorpe, Chair Nottingham City UNISON