Leeds: Stop Beeston post office closures

Leeds protest to stop Beeston post office closures, photo Nigel Poustie

Leeds protest to stop Beeston post office closures, photo Nigel Poustie

The Leeds Socialist Party branch has been campaigning against the closure of three post offices in Beeston. We have done several stalls in the area and had a good response.

Last Monday morning we staged a protest outside one of the post offices set to be axed, at which over 40 people took part.

Concerned individuals, the local hairdresser, community groups, older people and other left activists all took part. Everyone shared a common concern for the elderly and disabled people who, if the proposed closures took place, would be severely inconvenienced.

This campaign has already captured the support of many local people. The branch is now holding a public meeting on building this campaign, with lots of people already planning to attend.

Nigel Poustie, Leeds Socialist Party