Greenwich: Employers’ hypocrisy
SHORTLY BEFORE many thousands of local government workers went on strike on 16-17 July, council workers in one London borough, Greenwich, condemned their council’s and the Brown government’s hypocrisy. While the employers and government refuse to negotiate a decent pay rise for low-paid council workers, they are finding money to pay top-level managers and councillors.
Greenwich council proposes a review of chief officer pay, even though more pay at the top will cost an extra £135,000 a year to implement. This will come from council tax payers, including low paid council workers.
Greenwich Unison branch secretary Onay Kasab said: “While our members are expected to accept below-inflation pay rises, the employers can find the money for already well-paid chief officers.
“The government also plans to offer ‘parachute’ payments of up to £30,000 to cushion the blow to councillors who lose their positions, and their considerable allowances, at elections. Whatever happened to councillors such as those at Poplar in the 1920s and Liverpool in the 1980s who were prepared to make massive sacrifices for the people who elected them?”